Friday, August 22, 2014

Cutting, and cutting, and cutting Turner's hair

President and Sister Omer - they will be missed
Wow. A ton has happened since I last emailed! I guess that's what happens when you have to skip a week. I also learned that skipping a week stinks! I missed hearing from everyone!

Anyway. Let's start with last Thursday. So it was when the Swans and the Dunns were coming. So Rako and I got all ready. In our suits. Cause we had interviews. I was looking all dapper! Haha! Just kidding! Anyway. We got to Nelspruit and we are waiting at the Nelspruit flat with the Nelspruit elders. (wow. maybe I should say Nelspruit one more time) Anyway. Elder McClellan had mentioned previously that he knew how to cut hair. My hair honestly didn't need to be cut. But I though it might be nice to have the sides trimmed since we would be meeting the President. Make myself look REAL nice! Haha! You know me. Anyway. He starts cutting. And keeps cutting. And cutting. And here I am with this horrid look on my face. Because this is my hair we are talking about! And me and hair. Yeah. That's quite the story. Anyway. in the end. I got a buzz cut. Probably the worst day ever. I will NEVER let a missionary cut my hair again. It was a very dramatic day.

But to make the day better. I got to package! The Dunns brought it down! Thank you everyone for everything you sent! It was SO great! I love you all! Anyway. President Dunn took a picture and tried to send it. I don't know if you got it. Anyway. That was  a good thing!
Turner finally gets a package!! Thanks Ty Davies!!

So we also had interviews. But while the Nelspruit elders were interviewing Elder Rako and I took the Swans to the store with Sister Dunn. We basically just talked with Sister Dunn. She is so great! It was fun to have some time to talk to the mission mom! Haha! But yeah.

Then interviews. I can honestly say that I miss President Omer. I don't know. I shouldn't judge or compare. I think the way President Omer handled things reminded me of the way Dad would handle things. But I expressed some concerns about my companion and basically got chewed out. I guess it will be helpful in the end. But I kind of left feeling like he didn't think I was a good missionary. Which is always discouraging. I hope that's not how he feels. I'm sure it's not. I have just decided to give him no reason to say think I am not a great missionary. Just working hard.
President and Sister Dunn and the Hunts - oh how I love the Hunts for their kindness to Turner!

The Swans. The Swans are great. They are from Vancouver Canada. Elder Swan is VERY sarcastic and witty. I like that. Obviously. Put Sister Hunt and Elder Swan in the same room. Chaos. Haha! Sister Swan is sweet. A lot more soft spoken. Kind of quiet. But she is a nice lady. I am sure she is just soaking everything in. But it will be great to have them in the branch. Elder Swan will be great to help our over controlling elders quorum president.

Okay. Saturday was transfer news. Elder McClellan got a call from President telling him that he would be training (which hey always to when you train). Anyway. So we basically found out that I would be getting the new district leader as a companion. And I know I did my fair share of complaining and more about Rako. But I really did enjoy being his companion.

Anyway. Monday was the meeting for all of the new trainers. So we had to leave early in the morning so Elder McClellan could make it to the meeting. We dropped him off. And then Rako and I drove around Johannesburg. It was nice to have a little bit of time with him to express my thanks.

Usually we stay at the mission home. But the Dunns are doing it differently than the Omers. Now all of he departing missionaries stay in the mission home the night before transfers (Monday night for Tuesday transfers). So we were just told to find a flat to say in. So we stayed with some elders that I don't think any of us really knew. But they were super sweet guys. Nice to get to know some other missionaries. One of them was Elder Wilkerson. He says people mix him up with Elder Wilkinson a lot. Funny. Anyway. Random tidbit.

Tuesday was transfers. The Dunns also changed that. The Omers just would post a list of all the people in the cultural hall of the church. But the Dunns have started transfer meeting. It was great. Basically everyone goes into the chapel. The new missionaries bare their testimonies. And then they are paired with their trainers. Then they have a slide show of everyone. So it shows you and your new companion's picture together saying what area you are and what zone. We sang the mission song. Which is sweet. But it was weird cause I sat with Wilkinson. And it was surreal to think that the last time we were sitting in that chapel together was six months ago! So crazy!

Anyway. My new companion is Elder Malapula. He was serving in my first district. I don't know if I ever mentioned him or not. Anyway. He is from the Democratic Republic of Congo. But has lived in Cape Town for the past like nine years I think. Anyway. He is a nice kid. Really hard worker. We get along fairly well. With the exception of the fact that he is pretty much serious 24/7. I can't do that. I need to joke around. And not talk about "bringing people into the fold" all the time. I know that's what I am doing as a missionary. But my head might explode if I don't talk about something different every once and a while. I hope that doesn't come across as a bad attitude. But anyway.

 I think the most frustrating part is that he sometimes acts like I don't know much about the area. Like when I tell him that certain less actives are a waste of our time at this point. And he just wants to visit them. Our time could be used so much wiser (I don't know if that is proper English. Don't judge. I live in Africa). Anyway. Then the thing that makes our branch great is that it doesn't run as smooth as most branches. I mean. It works right. And the people love it. But he already wants to make changes and says things to me like, "Do YOU even know how things are supposed to work?". Umm. Yes. I'm not stupid. But Enough negativity. I got some time to talk to Sister Hunt alone about that. And she helped. She is the best. I will miss her like crazy.

Anyway. Sunday we had a baptism. Cynthia (Nomagugu). She is the sister of Mandela who was baptized at the beginning of June. Anyway. She is 18. At first when we were teaching Mandela she used to run away from us. Kind of tease us. But now she is super powerful! She is sweet! Understands the gospel and the scriptures so well! We hope to help convert the rest of their family. But they stay so far from the church that I think the mom has put joining the church kind of out of her options because she doesn't have enough money for transport. Which is sad. But eventually she will join. I know it. She is super supportive of her kids. Which is awesome. Nice lady. I don't know where the dad is though. That's kind of an African thing. Too bad.
This is Cynthia, such a sweet and lovely young woman

The group at Cynthia's baptism

We also had a me break through. So we have been teaching the parents of some member kids. The mom has been interested for a while. But her and the husband aren't married. So she can't get baptized. But she has acted less interested lately. So Rako and I retaught the restoration. And she said that it stopped her from joining another church (The ZCC. Zion Christian Church. Huge church in Africa). Anyway. She was about to join. But that stopped her. The husband never really acted interest. But when Elder Malapula and I went he listened and participated in the lesson and had SWEET questions. Lots of hope flowing from that family now.

We have been working with the family with the daughter that has hydrocephaly. I really want to see them get sealed. They are such a sweet family!

We also had another girl come to church. Shantel. She is thirteen. Lives with her Gogo. Who is a member. But Shantel's mom won't let her go to church or get baptized. We have been teaching her for a while. Because the Gogo really wants us to. Anyway. She came to church yesterday and saw the baptism. And now she wants to do whatever she can to get baptized! So sweet!

Well thing are going great. I am definitely sad that you guys are in Disneyland and in the Grand Californian with out me! But it's okay, what I am doing is worth it. I do hope you guys have fun though. I love you and miss you so much mom. You are the greatest! I will be sending pictures this week! Finally!

I love you! I miss you! I can't even express it!

Love, your crazy weird son,


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