Friday, August 22, 2014

I Love this place. . . and the Gogos

First interesting news. There is this lady, Gogol Sophie. I love her. She is the sweetest lady. Her granddaughter Shantel is an investigator who will be baptized on the 31st. Anyway. Sister Sophie. When she talks about where she goes to church, or when people ask where she goes, she uses the phrases, "where are you churching?" Or "I am churching here". It makes it sound like an event! Like where are you schooling, but churching instead! Pic don't know if I am explaining myself very well. But I am trying! I just think it's a funny way to say where you go to church. 

This week hasn't been too interesting. I'll tell a few little secrets about my companion. First. He won't use a microwave. They can kill you. Second. He doesn't like treat meat. Because it is unhealthy. I mean, yes, if you overload, but your body needs protein! He won't cook vegetables. If they are cooked. Because if they are cooked they aren't healthy at all. So I'll probably just eat chocolate one since I have learned that vegetables are unhealthy. I also have learned that soap is bad for your skin, and toothpaste damages your teeth. Who knew! I mean, I always thought that those things were supposed to CLEAN you! So he hasn't used soap or tooth paste since we have been together. I might be the first person to die from bad breath. But enough complaining.

The Hunts are currently trying to leave. They are packing up as I type (we'll hunt and peck because I am using an iPad). But yesterday we had a farewell for them. It was great. They both spoke, and sister hunt was wearing all of the traditional clothes. There was a luncheon. It was very nice. It will be weird to be here without them. I love them and miss them! But I am just lucky that they only live in sandy. So it won't be too long until I am back terrorizing them! Haha! 

Things are going good. I love this place. It is challenging to connect with the people, but yet I love them all so much! I will miss them like crazy if I leave. I may leave in two weeks. But you never know! The people here just have such sweet spirits! I love them! All of the older ladies are just so loving! 

The success is moving on. We should have three people getting baptized on the 31st. Goodwill. He has quit his word of wisdom problems. Shantel. She has finally convinced her mom to let her get baptized. And Thobekani. Sweet kid. Seventeen. His mom is a pastor though. She is open to him getting baptized, but she isn't super interested in the church. We haven't been able to meet her yet. But apparently she is really nice. 

Things are going good. I love you and miss you so much! I can't even explain it. Thank you for all you do for me. I can't wait until we get to see each other again, in real life, not on skype! I love you!

Happy Birthday Turner! We love you so much;)

Happy Birthday Turner!

Amazing views of God's Window

Turner and Elder McLellan

Funny Faces - Sorta Ducky

Our handsome Elder Richards - almost looks like Utah!

Things have been good. I am doing good. I guess. As good as I could. Things are moving forward in KaNyamazane. Well. Let me get to the high lights.

So this week wasn't too exciting. Well there were good things! Haha! I just have to stretch my brain a bit to remember!

Let's start with this lady named Nonto. So she was a previous investigator. Anyway. Our Branch President asked us to go visit her. So Rako and I went once before he left. She told us that she had been reading The Book of Mormon. And praying. She said she knew the book was true and that the church was true. Anyway. It was sweet. Inspiration through the Branch President. Malapula and I went back and she basically told us that she wants to be baptised! It was sweet! Tender mercies. Makes you remember why you are here doing the work. However she is a single mom with two little kids and lives far from the church. So when both kids are with her she can't come to church. We are trying to figure out how to fix that problem. She would be a sweet member!

Next is Shantel. We have been teaching her for a while. Her Gogo, that she lives with is a member. Shantel is only 13. But VERY smart. Understands the gospel well. However, her mom wouldn't let her come to church, or get baptised. So we talked a lot with her about it. Encouraged her to pray for help to convince her mom. Anyway. The mom is now letting her get baptised! So hopefully she will be baptised at the end of this month!

Now Sonia and Sam. Sonia and Sam are not married. But they have three kids that are members. Sonia has wanted to be a member for a while. But then lost interest and almost joined the ZCC (a huge church in Africa). Anyway. What stopped was that we decided to reteach The Restoration. She said it was an answer to prayers. The husband however hasn't ever really been interested in the church. Until lately. We are now stressing the importance of being baptized by someone holding the Priesthood. But they need to get married first. The problem is Labola, or paying the bride's family. It is super expensive. So we are talking a lot about skipping that and just getting married. Anyway. It's awesome. You can tell that Heavenly Father is working hard on Sam. He has opened up SO much. I have been visiting them twice a week for the past four months. And he is finally acting interested. So great!

There is also a kid named Goodwill. He is so cool. Should  be getting baptized at the end of this month. He has a rough life. Got into the wrong crowd. He had a smoking problem, but with lost of prayers he has been able to conquer it! Anyway. He works very hard trying to support his family. Even though he is only in eleventh grade. But he is a great kid! We hope everything goes well for him!

We also visit the N'kosi family. The family with the daughter that has the disease with the big head full of fluid. I can't remember the name right now. Anyway. We are really working on getting them active. Maybe helping them find jobs where they don't have to work on Sunday. Anyway. I would love nothing more than to see them get sealed! They are such a sweet family!

We are working with some amazing people right now. But those have been the sweet and tender experiences of this last week.

Alright. Now the the important stuff. My birthday! Haha! Just kidding. Much less important!

But anyway. I bought a new camera. Elder McClellan knows a lot about cameras. I bought a new camera. It is pretty great. Works nice! Does some tricky things! I am loving the chance to learn how to take better pictures!

Anyway. Sunday the Hunts had a birthday dinner. It was Elder Hunts birthday and our Branch President's birthday on the Fourth as well. Anyway. Sister Hunt and Swan put together a dinner. They made steak and potatoes, salad, green beans. It was delicious! And then we had cake! Sister Hunt made an individual cake for each of us! They are the greatest! And then I got the presents! Thank you so much for everything! It was such a surprise! I got a new Columbia back pack. And then new Nike flip flops. They are both great! I love them both! Such a surprise!

Now. The actual birthday. So we were originally going to Kruger. But we put that off until next week. For my birthday we went to Sabie. The place where they have all the beautiful water falls. Anyway. This time we went to a place called The Potholes. It was SO pretty. Then we went to a place called The Three R...r something. I don't remember. But they are the ones with the river through the huge canyon! Then we went to God's Window again. A place called Pilgrim's Rest. And then the Mac Mac falls. They were all gorgeous! I will be sending most of the pictures home. Just a slow internet is preventing me from sending them all! But it was good. It was definitely sad to be away from home. I missed every one so much! It was weird that it was my birthday. Like I knew in my mind that it was. But it didn't feel like it. It didn't really upset me, but it was just odd. I don't know how to explain it. 

Anyway. This are going good. The work is moving on. We are just struggling to best fill our time. Everyone wants to see us in the evenings. So we are WAY too packed in the evenings and can't find things to do in the afternoons. It's frustrating. But oh well. We are working around it best we can! 

I love you so much mom and dad! Thank you for everything! I missed you both very much! But hey, one birthday down, one to go! The time is moving. Some days faster than others. Some days I just with it would fly by! But I know I need the cherish these moments! And I am, don't worry! But I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited to come home.
That's my boy

Cutting, and cutting, and cutting Turner's hair

President and Sister Omer - they will be missed
Wow. A ton has happened since I last emailed! I guess that's what happens when you have to skip a week. I also learned that skipping a week stinks! I missed hearing from everyone!

Anyway. Let's start with last Thursday. So it was when the Swans and the Dunns were coming. So Rako and I got all ready. In our suits. Cause we had interviews. I was looking all dapper! Haha! Just kidding! Anyway. We got to Nelspruit and we are waiting at the Nelspruit flat with the Nelspruit elders. (wow. maybe I should say Nelspruit one more time) Anyway. Elder McClellan had mentioned previously that he knew how to cut hair. My hair honestly didn't need to be cut. But I though it might be nice to have the sides trimmed since we would be meeting the President. Make myself look REAL nice! Haha! You know me. Anyway. He starts cutting. And keeps cutting. And cutting. And here I am with this horrid look on my face. Because this is my hair we are talking about! And me and hair. Yeah. That's quite the story. Anyway. in the end. I got a buzz cut. Probably the worst day ever. I will NEVER let a missionary cut my hair again. It was a very dramatic day.

But to make the day better. I got to package! The Dunns brought it down! Thank you everyone for everything you sent! It was SO great! I love you all! Anyway. President Dunn took a picture and tried to send it. I don't know if you got it. Anyway. That was  a good thing!
Turner finally gets a package!! Thanks Ty Davies!!

So we also had interviews. But while the Nelspruit elders were interviewing Elder Rako and I took the Swans to the store with Sister Dunn. We basically just talked with Sister Dunn. She is so great! It was fun to have some time to talk to the mission mom! Haha! But yeah.

Then interviews. I can honestly say that I miss President Omer. I don't know. I shouldn't judge or compare. I think the way President Omer handled things reminded me of the way Dad would handle things. But I expressed some concerns about my companion and basically got chewed out. I guess it will be helpful in the end. But I kind of left feeling like he didn't think I was a good missionary. Which is always discouraging. I hope that's not how he feels. I'm sure it's not. I have just decided to give him no reason to say think I am not a great missionary. Just working hard.
President and Sister Dunn and the Hunts - oh how I love the Hunts for their kindness to Turner!

The Swans. The Swans are great. They are from Vancouver Canada. Elder Swan is VERY sarcastic and witty. I like that. Obviously. Put Sister Hunt and Elder Swan in the same room. Chaos. Haha! Sister Swan is sweet. A lot more soft spoken. Kind of quiet. But she is a nice lady. I am sure she is just soaking everything in. But it will be great to have them in the branch. Elder Swan will be great to help our over controlling elders quorum president.

Okay. Saturday was transfer news. Elder McClellan got a call from President telling him that he would be training (which hey always to when you train). Anyway. So we basically found out that I would be getting the new district leader as a companion. And I know I did my fair share of complaining and more about Rako. But I really did enjoy being his companion.

Anyway. Monday was the meeting for all of the new trainers. So we had to leave early in the morning so Elder McClellan could make it to the meeting. We dropped him off. And then Rako and I drove around Johannesburg. It was nice to have a little bit of time with him to express my thanks.

Usually we stay at the mission home. But the Dunns are doing it differently than the Omers. Now all of he departing missionaries stay in the mission home the night before transfers (Monday night for Tuesday transfers). So we were just told to find a flat to say in. So we stayed with some elders that I don't think any of us really knew. But they were super sweet guys. Nice to get to know some other missionaries. One of them was Elder Wilkerson. He says people mix him up with Elder Wilkinson a lot. Funny. Anyway. Random tidbit.

Tuesday was transfers. The Dunns also changed that. The Omers just would post a list of all the people in the cultural hall of the church. But the Dunns have started transfer meeting. It was great. Basically everyone goes into the chapel. The new missionaries bare their testimonies. And then they are paired with their trainers. Then they have a slide show of everyone. So it shows you and your new companion's picture together saying what area you are and what zone. We sang the mission song. Which is sweet. But it was weird cause I sat with Wilkinson. And it was surreal to think that the last time we were sitting in that chapel together was six months ago! So crazy!

Anyway. My new companion is Elder Malapula. He was serving in my first district. I don't know if I ever mentioned him or not. Anyway. He is from the Democratic Republic of Congo. But has lived in Cape Town for the past like nine years I think. Anyway. He is a nice kid. Really hard worker. We get along fairly well. With the exception of the fact that he is pretty much serious 24/7. I can't do that. I need to joke around. And not talk about "bringing people into the fold" all the time. I know that's what I am doing as a missionary. But my head might explode if I don't talk about something different every once and a while. I hope that doesn't come across as a bad attitude. But anyway.

 I think the most frustrating part is that he sometimes acts like I don't know much about the area. Like when I tell him that certain less actives are a waste of our time at this point. And he just wants to visit them. Our time could be used so much wiser (I don't know if that is proper English. Don't judge. I live in Africa). Anyway. Then the thing that makes our branch great is that it doesn't run as smooth as most branches. I mean. It works right. And the people love it. But he already wants to make changes and says things to me like, "Do YOU even know how things are supposed to work?". Umm. Yes. I'm not stupid. But Enough negativity. I got some time to talk to Sister Hunt alone about that. And she helped. She is the best. I will miss her like crazy.

Anyway. Sunday we had a baptism. Cynthia (Nomagugu). She is the sister of Mandela who was baptized at the beginning of June. Anyway. She is 18. At first when we were teaching Mandela she used to run away from us. Kind of tease us. But now she is super powerful! She is sweet! Understands the gospel and the scriptures so well! We hope to help convert the rest of their family. But they stay so far from the church that I think the mom has put joining the church kind of out of her options because she doesn't have enough money for transport. Which is sad. But eventually she will join. I know it. She is super supportive of her kids. Which is awesome. Nice lady. I don't know where the dad is though. That's kind of an African thing. Too bad.
This is Cynthia, such a sweet and lovely young woman

The group at Cynthia's baptism

We also had a me break through. So we have been teaching the parents of some member kids. The mom has been interested for a while. But her and the husband aren't married. So she can't get baptized. But she has acted less interested lately. So Rako and I retaught the restoration. And she said that it stopped her from joining another church (The ZCC. Zion Christian Church. Huge church in Africa). Anyway. She was about to join. But that stopped her. The husband never really acted interest. But when Elder Malapula and I went he listened and participated in the lesson and had SWEET questions. Lots of hope flowing from that family now.

We have been working with the family with the daughter that has hydrocephaly. I really want to see them get sealed. They are such a sweet family!

We also had another girl come to church. Shantel. She is thirteen. Lives with her Gogo. Who is a member. But Shantel's mom won't let her go to church or get baptized. We have been teaching her for a while. Because the Gogo really wants us to. Anyway. She came to church yesterday and saw the baptism. And now she wants to do whatever she can to get baptized! So sweet!

Well thing are going great. I am definitely sad that you guys are in Disneyland and in the Grand Californian with out me! But it's okay, what I am doing is worth it. I do hope you guys have fun though. I love you and miss you so much mom. You are the greatest! I will be sending pictures this week! Finally!

I love you! I miss you! I can't even express it!

Love, your crazy weird son,


Turner describes Kruger and the Big 5

So good to hear from you! I loved hearing about your fourth of July weekend! I hope you had fun, especially since it is you birthday! Dad's email painted the perfect picture of Rachel freaking out about the whole fish thing! I also liked you you described it. "Fish were dying, kids crying"! So funny! I am glad that your sisters/grandma/tt did a dinner for you. I love TT. It is great writing her. I love writing her in fact. 

Anyway. We didn't see any animals while we were at God's Window or at any of the falls. But I did get to see plenty of animals yesterday! We got to go to Kruger! The thing I have been looking forward to since I got here! Not many missionaries get to go, but I am lucky enough to be in this area, so I get to go! Plenty of Elders are jealous! But it was amazing! So Elder Brackett's companion and Elder Rako have both been to Kruger before, so they stayed together for P-day, and Elder Brackett and I got to go with Elder Hunt and a kid named Sanele from our branch. Anyway. For those that don't know. Kruger is a Big Five game reserve (Big five is the five animals that I don't know are famous here? But they are lion, elephant, rhino, cape buffalo, and leopard). The Hunts paid for us, and provided all of the food. They also drove us. Anyway. It was SUPER cool. Kruger is a giant game reserve that a ton of animals just live on. So they are in their natural habitat. And then there are a couple paved roads through it, mostly just dirt roads though. Anyway. You drive around, playing the ultimate game of I-Spy. We saw all of the big five except for a leopard. It was AMAZING! I took tons of pictures. But they are all on Brackett's camera. So his mom is going to send them to you. My pictures from God's Window are also on his camera. I have found out that my camera really doesn't work very well. But Brackett has a nice camera, and we took some sweet pictures! It was cool though. We almost got charged by an elephant! Pretty crazy! They are HUGE. And it makes it crazier that they are like five feet away from you car at times! But we saw tons of animals. Like I said, Lions, cape buffalo, rhinos, elephant, giraffes, crocodile, some odd spotted dog things, hippos, vultures, and tons of other stuff. But it was SO cool! Once in a life time chance!

Anyway. The rest of this week was good. Nothing too crazy. Well I guess we did meet the mission president! We left Wednesday morning and drove so we could get to the mission home by twelve thirty. They had a little presentation planned. It was good. Then we left. We didn't get to stay the night this time. Which stunk. So we ended up driving the four and a half hours, both ways, in one day. Making it a total of about nine hours in the car. Tiring. And sick of riding in a car. The new president and his wife are really nice though. Odd to think that they have seen you more recently than I have! Haha! But they should be great. It will be a little odd getting to know them. Especially since I just got to know the Omers. But it will be good. 

Sunday we had our confirmations. They went well. Elder Rako confirmed Elvis and our branch president, President Banda confirmed Nunu. Pres. Banda didn't mess up this time. So that was good! He is very new to the whole branch president thing. And doesn't understand everything perfectly yet. But it is getting better!

I haven't really told you much about investigators. So I will now. We are teaching Cynthia (whose African name is Nomakogo). She is the sister of Mandela, who got baptized June first. She came to the baptism and then decided she wanted to join. She is seventeen. And smart. Anyway. We are teaching a seventeen year old named Thobekani. He is friends with a kid in our branch who's name is Sibusiso. Anyway. Thobekani is a smart kid as well. Really likes the church. Cynthia and Thobekani are both on date to be baptized on the twenty seventh of this month. They are both super excited. 

We are also teaching a group of guys. Goodwill, Phuti, and Allen. They are all friends with a member named Big Boy (yes Big Boy is his real name). Anyway. Big Boy smokes. And so do all of his friends. He teaches them about the church. But doesn't follow the Word of Wisdom himself. So they all smoke as well. And let me tell you. Have you ever tried teaching the gospel to someone that is high? Cause I have. Yeah, it doesn't work very well. But we are being patient, or at least trying to. And hoping that they will all quit. Goodwill has been doing really good lately. Let's hope it stays that way.

Anyway. This past week was good. I hope this next week will go well. I hope all is going well at home. Sounds like some fun things have been happening. I love you so much and miss you like crazy. I love you!

An Eventful Week! Monkeys in the Parking Lot! God's Window and Kruger National Park July 1, 2013

So this has been a pretty eventful week. I guess. Haha!
So Tuesday the AP's were here. But fortunately they didn't come the KaNyamazane! They both stayed in Nelspruit. That was nice. Anyway. Then Wednesday, Elder Brackett came here to do our baptismal interviews. We had Nunu and Elvis. They both went well. So Nunu is living with her Great Aunt, Sister Thalita. She is a member. Anyway. There was some drama there at first because it was Nunu and a girl named Hlengiwe living there. Hlengiwe was trouble. Anyway. Sister Thalita kicked Hlengiwe out. Which was good in the end. Because now she can't influence Nunu to do things. Nunu never did anything bad, but we were afraid that eventually something might happen. Anyway. Nunu was baptised! It was great! Elvis's Gogo (grandma) is a member. She really wanted Elvis to be baptised. It was hard to try and get everything going with him. He wasn't too serious. But we stuck with it, and things turned out great. He ended up getting baptised as well! So Nunu is 15 and Elvis is 20.

Some other interesting news. Elder Brackett wasn't feeling too well, so at the beginning of the day we were at the flat for a bit. I looked out across the parking lot and saw something running on all fours. I thought to myself, "Why is there a dog here?" Then as it got closer, it was a monkey! It was huge! It was so weird to see! Haha! I guess that's what happens when you live in Africa!

So I mentioned that Elder Brackett wasn't feeling too well. Yeah. Well it was some stomach stuff. He ended up passing it to me. I was pretty sick on Friday. Of course they day the Zone Leaders were here. Anyway. My stomach hurt so bad. But at district meeting Sister Hunt gave me a little shopping list of things to go buy to help me feel better! haha! It worked pretty well. I feel good now. So that's always a good thing!

Zone Leaders. They came on Friday. They brought a whole bunch of stuff for us. But nothing from home :( But we did get a bunch of stuff that we ordered from the mission office for our flat. Mpumalanga, the province I am in, is pretty warm all year round, but our flat is freezing at night, so we got two new heaters. Because there is no insulation in any building here, and there is no built in air conditioning like anywhere. So in the summer we use fans, in the winter we use space heaters. We also got some pots and pans, dish cloths, other little random things. So that was nice.

It was good to be with the Zone Leaders. We were with Elder Martin this time. He is in Elder Wilkinson's group. Anyway. He is from Switzerland. He is super nice. Good to be with him and teach with him. Some times it is hard to teach with African elders, because our minds think differently. That has been mentioned by many missionaries, and I have found it very true. Anyway. It is nice to teach with someone every once in a while that has similar thinking patterns to your own. He also gave us some info about how things are going in the Zone. I guess since I got to this area, we have been leading the Zone every week in lessons and baptisms, and everything else. That's always motivating!

Sunday we had our baptisms. They went great. Nunu asked Peace, one of the young men that goes teaching with us a lot, to baptise her. It was his first time. He forgot to say "amen" so he had to do it over again, but it was still great. Then Elvis asked me to baptise him. So I did. It went well.

Monday was great. This will explain why I am emailing on Tuesday and not Monday.
So, like you said, Elder Brackett mentioned going to God's Window. We went as well.  It was SO pretty! I have a ton of pictures. But we are at an email shop in KaNyamazane, not the Hunt's flat, so I don't feel safe putting my SD card in here! So I will send them soon! But anyway. We also went to five different waterfalls. They were SO pretty! I got to do some brief trail running. Man I miss it so much! There would have been some great runs, but no one else really wanted to. And here is a unique fact. We went to this one fall that I made Elder Brackett run with me. I guess you can't really be alone on that trail or you will get attacked by babboons. Pretty insane. Something I would have never thought I would be worried about in my life! haha! But the falls were all super pretty! You would have loved God's Window and all of the falls! They are all in or around this town called Sabie. Reminded me of like a Moab. They also had people selling African souveners. Of course we had to buy some. I got some SWEET stuff. I'll send pictures. Because I can't wait to get home for you guys to see all of it! Haha!

Let's see. What else. Well we left for the falls early in the morning and then got back super late. So no time to email. We also got our bakkie (truck) fixed. The clutch burnt out. Elder Rako won't admit that is was from his driving. But he is the only one that drives it. So it has to be from him. And it can't really be because the bakkie is old because there was a new clutch put in six months ago. Anyway. I will probably do more driving from now on.

Anyway. We had to sleep at Nelspruit's flat Monday night. And then we picked up the bakkie in the morning and I went and got my hair cut. The lady knew I was a missionary. Basically just unloaded like her whole life story on me. And kind of just kept cutting and cutting away at my hair. Now it is WAY shorter than I wanted. UGH. And you all know how particular I am about my hair. But I just keep telling myself that it will grow!

So tonight we are driving back and sleeping at Nelspruit's flat again. Because we are going to meet President and Sister Dunn on Wednesday and we have to leave early in the morning to get there on time. And because everyone lives in KaNyamazane and works in Nelspruit, traffic is SUPER bad to get there in the morning. So we are just gonna go tonight to avoid the traffic. But I am excited to meet the new President. Hopefully we will be able to stop at the mission office and see if I can figure out what has happened to everything! Love you all,enjoy the pictures of God's Window and Kruger National Park!
Turner, Elder Bracket, Elder, and Elder Rako

Beautiful Waterfalls

Elephants from the car window - so close!

Mama and baby elephants

My favorites

The ultimate game of "I Spy!" I see a lion!

One of many Croc

Pumba - wart hog


Zebra herd - not your local Hogle Zoo!